Self Taught digital artist making art for you to enjoy, i mostly do art targeted for a mature audience


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SeiKoDraw Artist introduction

Posted by SeiKoDraw - May 12th, 2024

Hello NewGround folk

My name is SeiKo I'm a 25yo self taught digital artist that love to draw female character i can speak both English and Spanish (ingles y español) , i have been sharing my art on NG for about 2 Mouth now mostly just to have another place where my art can live on but i will like to actually use NG moving forward.

My artwork is mostly on the lewd side and right now I'm going to start doing NSFW artwork, i will like to know what the people of NG like too see in nsfw art so feel free to let me know.

I'm planning on doing Free NSFW art request soon there will be some Rules of course but the detail will be on a different post when I'm done with my current artwork, the reason why I'm doing it free is because i need to add more NSFW art to my portfolio.

also i will like to meet NSFW artist so if you are a Artist reading this let me get to know you :)

Thank for reading take care.




Welcome to Newgrounds @SeiKoDraw
I hope you settle in here pretty quickly

As far as the meeting below is concerned, you can talk to the people you are interested in. This way you might be able to meet quick artists that you like.

I'm also an artist and I have a bit of NSFW with me, but my area is more horror and monster girls. I'm also more active in traditional art because I have a hard time with digital art. (although I'm still working on it)
I don't know if you're interested in something like that.

I hope you have fun here and find people you like.

horror is not my thing but i did like some of your Monster girl they are creepy but hot at the same time xD and to be honest traditional art is more impressive that digital art, we can be friend if you like maybe you can show me the beauty in horror art :)

@SeiKoDraw thank you, I'm glad to hear it. your art looks good too.

Every now and then I use well-known figures and use them as a visual template for my monsters. E.g. Rena Ryuuguu (from Higurashi then Why Cry) is a character that I like to use as a template

I quite enjoy the method I use and then turning the monster into an original character/original design is quite easy. If you want, I can describe the method to you and you can try it yourself if you want

welcome to Newgrounds! I hope you're settling in well.

As an nsfw artist myself, I actually draw everything and am open to new thing,s. and the thing with the request sounds nice,

there are already thread,s here where you can make requests from others :)

Hope you have fun here.

Thank you Kinok! i will check it out :)